My name is Yaşar Yücel Yeşilbağ. I’m a mechanical engineer and a software developer.

As a mechanical engineer, I work on building electromechanical systems, at mechanical, electronical and software aspects. Mainly focusing motion control and data acquisition. I also work on performing finite element modeling and analysis of structures. I work with various material types and perform static, thermoelastic, nonlinear, modal and frequency response analyses.

As a software developer, I'm writing code for many years, on lots of topics. My programming journey started at the era of computers with no graphical interface and reached into the era of mobile devices. I’m interested in both app and game development, on desktop and mobile. At engineering projects, I write embedded code for IoT devices. I also like publishing what I do, sharing my works and codes with others. So I will be broadening the scope of my medium page constantly.

Feel free to contact me, to provide feedback about apps and games, or to share ideas.

info [at]


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