Quite a few animations are added, and now game mechanics completed! Explosions, laser damaging, collecting minerals, etc... Now it's time for UI building. It's already fun to play =)
Development of the new engineering tool is in progress. Here is a view showing deformation plots of a truss structure which is under two different loading conditions. These are results from the solver of system of linear equations 😎
Powerups are also added to Brick Miner: randomizer, damager and explosives! Last step to complete the game mechanics is to add animations ;)
This alpha gameplay from my second game project has colored bricks, earthy areas, and precious minerals and gems! They are to be extracted from the mine and, ok, rest is for the subsequent posts ;)
I started developing a new engineering tool. It's a bit challenging and long-term project, on the other hand it's fun to endeavor ^^ Here is a screenshot, which is merely inputs and outputs from the solver of a system of linear equations. This is just the first step of the core component of the project =)
Alpha testing phase of my second game project, Brick Miner, has started. 🥳