Brick Miner - Beta Gameplay 03

Adding multi-language support was harder than I thought, but funnier as well =) So here is a quick look at how it looks like o_O

Brick Miner - Beta Gameplay 02

As part of the beta development of my second game, I added a start screen showing several tips and an end screen showing a summary of the stage. ✌ I also made adjustments to difficulty level of the game and in-game economics. 🧐

Brick Miner - Beta Gameplay 01

With completion of UI, upgrade store, in-game economics and save system, Brick Miner has advanced from alpha to beta 🥳 Beta testing will proceed along with the remaining components 🧐

New Engineering Tool - Moments, Reactions, Joints

Within the scope of development of my new structural engineering tool, moment loading and calculation of reaction forces and moments are added. Plots show moment loading, and solution of a model having both pinned (thin) and rigid (thick) bars.

Building Game UI

While developing a game, building UI is not my favorite part. But building an infinite scroll view and playing with it is definitely fun. ^^

Brick Miner - Alpha Gameplay 05

Game mechanics and in-game UI are fully completed 🥳 Consumable power-ups and their animations, stage and depth indicators are added 🎵 Next step is to build game main menu =)