.NET async/await Model’s Control Flow and Thread Behavior
.NET async/await Model’s Control Flow and Thread Behavior
Last big integration, solver integration is completed 🧪 Lots of other improvements are done as well 😎 Now it's time to implement results component, being the last component 🎶
Converting Audio File to Music Notes
Lots of intermediate updates have been implemented, as they were needed before integrating the solver component 👌
Updates include; solver library moved to .NET Standard 2.1, added LBCs node labeling to mesher for LBCs application, switched from Unity's JsonUtility to Newtonsoft's JsonConvert, file structure made more efficient, UI escapes from mobile screen notches, last but not least: added 2-fingers navigation 🥳
Mesh now updates when geometry is altered 📐 This functionality expands to undo/redo operations as well 😎
Mesher is integrated 🕸👀 This was a big integration 🕺 Meshing parameters are kept as simple as possible 🎶